Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Monkey's Mask

Our final BBC for 2010 will be held at Beck Palmer's place, 8pm Friday December 10.
I am very excited that we will be discussing the wonderful verse novel, The Monkey's Mask by the passionate Dorothy Porter. I was fortunate enough to be getting taught by her at UTS when she was writing it and it is a landmark achievement for poetry in Australia.

The Monkey's Mask is a totally unique experience. It’s poetry. It's a crime thriller. It's where high art meets low life, passion meets betrayal, and poetry faces profanity on the streets of a harsh modern city. Dorothy Porter's internationally bestselling verse novel holds you in its grip from the first verse paragraph to the final haunting pages.

The Monkey's Mask won the Age Book of the Year for Poetry in 1994, the National Book Council Award for Poetry and the Braille Book of the Year. 

Questions to come soon.....

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